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Share your light through actions

by BarbyIngle

I was recently thinking about sharing God’s light through my actions. This is not something new I was thinking about, but I was wondering if I should be looking for creative, fun, and social activities to do this. Will they look and be different from what I have been doing? Like in healthcare, I have wanted to test my boundaries and abilities. I am going to do the same spiritually, physically, and mentally. I am figuring out what I need to know to know what I need to know and do. For me, it’s all about trying my best and taking actions that show who I am, fulfill my purpose here on earth, and make human connections that are meaningful at the same time.

I want you to walk with confidence in your actions. You know where you are going until you don’t really. 


When I was growing up, my parents always told me that I should walk with confidence. My dance and cheer coaches did as well.  MY DAD TOLD ME THE SAME THING when I was first starting as a writer, and I thought it was excellent advice, maybe because I have heard it most of my life.

What does it mean to walk with confidence? When you are confident about something, you know where you are going, right? What if you don’t know?

This happens sometimes when we start as writers: we have no idea where we are going. It is all new territory for us, and we do not know how to get there or what success looks like. We might walk confidently because we feel particular about our writing or actions. Still, things change suddenly, and we find ourselves either in an unfamiliar place or just back at square one again.

So if confidence does not mean knowing exactly what is going on or where you are headed, what does it mean instead? I think it means having faith in yourself and your ability to figure things out as they come along—and not getting caught up in overthinking whether someone else will like what you do or whether or not they’ll think it’s good enough.

What are you building your life on? For whom are you building your life through your actions? 

We have all been through it the pressure to take on more responsibility and build ourselves into something more than just a kid.

When I was young, my parents always said, “You’re going to be an adult soon” or “Your childhood will be over soon.” That was scary! Now that I’m older, I realize that they were right. We have to build our lives on solid foundations if we want them to last.

What does it mean for us as adults?

When we are children, we are taught the rules of how to behave. We are told that there will be consequences if we do not behave. We are told that stealing is wrong and that lying is wrong. These things are taught to us so that, as adults, we will know what to do when faced with a moral dilemma.

What happens when we are faced with a moral dilemma when we are adults?

What happens when we find ourselves in situations where our morals conflict? It can be challenging to know what to do in these situations.

This can lead many of us into depression because life becomes seemingly meaningless. This is why we all need to build our lives on something more than just following rules and regulations set out by society or our culture. The most important thing is building your life on something bigger than yourself, something that gives meaning and purpose to your existence on Earth.

Therefore, you do not have to build your life on absolutely nothing. You can build it on a self-love foundation, which is much better than a foundation of self-hate.

When you build your life on something else, whether relationships with others or an external goal, like becoming rich or famous, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You will never feel like you have “made it” until you have achieved the goal, but then what? What if the goal is never achieved? Where do you go from there?

When you build your life on a self-love foundation, you know exactly where to go from there. When things do not go as planned, your relationships fall apart, and your dreams do not become a reality, you still love yourself! Moreover, when those things happen, and they are painful—you still love yourself!  When things get tough, you will always have something to hold onto.

In life, we need help.

We must reach out and seek help when we need it.

There are so many reasons not to ask for help.
  • Stubborn
  • Life looks perfect through the screen
  • You are particular.
  • It takes energy
  • Trust is broken
  • Consider yourself independent.
What can we accomplish when we do ask for help? 
  • Independence can be healthy. Isolation is not.
  • One another – Community
  • The character of your friends is going to be applied to you.
  • Life Balance
  • Stop pretending that we do not need anyone else.
  • We can stop pretending that we can handle everything ourselves.
  • Accept the support and love from our friends and family members without feeling like we’re burdening or making them feel bad about themselves.
  • We can show them how much they mean to us by letting them know when we need their help — and asking for it when necessary!
Independence is beautiful action

Independence is one of the most beautiful things in the world. It’s a sign that you’re strong and can care for yourself. That you do not need anyone else.

Isolation is not healthy. It is a sign that something is wrong—sometimes very wrong. In addition, when we isolate ourselves, we end up hurting others and ourselves. We must ask for help because it is the only way to be our best selves.

So next time you feel like isolating yourself from everyone else (whether it is your family or your friends), remember: ask for help! You will find that everyone wants to help and cares about what happens to you!

A common misconception is a sign of weakness. However, it is not. Asking for help can be a sign of strength and independence.

When you ask for help, you say: I am strong enough to know I need assistance. I can recognize my limitations and work with them instead of against them.

When we do not ask for help, we are often left with isolation, which is unhealthy. It makes us feel alone and incapable, which leads to more problems down the line.

Back to Confidence

We all know that independence is a good thing. It means you are confident, know what you want, and are not afraid to go after it. Here is a past blog article I wrote about the Benefits of Positive Thinking.

Sometimes, we are so caught up in being independent that we forget the importance of community. We start to feel like we can do everything independently—and then do not ask for help when needed.

Here is the thing: isolation is not healthy either! It can make us feel alone, lonely, and vulnerable. It also makes us feel like we have no support system when things get tough.

In Conclusion

Finding the balance between independence and isolation is essential to our confidence, living in the light, and helping humanity through our actions. It’s about finding people who understand where you’re coming from and offer support when you need it most—without asking for anything in return (except maybe a hug).

Take solace in your actions. Isolation can lead to loneliness, which can be dangerous for your health. Independence does not have to mean isolation. It can mean you are on your path, learning more about yourself and your world than anyone else has ever been able to teach you. In addition, when you are doing that, who needs anyone else?  So do not feel guilty if you want to spend time alone—but also remember to make time for other people when you can.


Authored by Barby Ingle

Published by KB Companies LLC, KB Media, Barby Ingle’ s Blog

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