One of my top 5 books of all time is Atlas Shrugged. Yes it is long, it took me 6 months to get through the whole book, it is so worth it, It teaches about social interaction. This is one of the bestselling books of all time, but brings about controversial views, most love it or hate it. It covers: property rights, theory of sex, government and business, sanction of the victim, and philosophy. When I started reading, I thought I was Hank Reardon, but after chapter 3, I realized I was not, I am actually John Galt… who are you? There is a characters for everyone in this book (being made into a movie (part I is out), (part II comes out in Oct), and (part III comes out next year). After reading this book I have referred back to my highlighted and pinned notes in the pages multiple times for advice. I highly suggest you reading it as well!