I got to meet my favorite cheerleader! Paula Abdul
September 15, 2011 at 6:38pm
LA went great. I finally did it! I got to talk to Paula, I dont remember a word she said, but Ken said I did well. I remember saying, “You are my cheerleader of hope and possibility”. and she started talking and we had a conversation, and she hugged me, and we talked more and then got our picture together. I introduced her to Ken, and she got a big kick out of us being Ken and Barby, so that was awesome. I gave her her gift-bag I made for her. On the outside of it it said, “you just totally rock!”. I thought that was fitting. I told her what was in the bag, stuff on RSD, my books (autographed of-course), awareness bracelets for her and her assistance, my cheer megaphone pin from my hs Letterman’s jacket from 1988 when her first record came out) and a letter from me. It was amazing, she is so beautiful and nice. I dont know if I will change her mind about speaking up about her RSD challenges or not, but at least I know she has the info, she knows she has support and she now knows a real-life “Barby and Ken”. After she left, I thought I was going to pass out, my legs were shaken and I was in shock. Which is hard to do to me. 🙂 We had a great conversation and she was totally engaging. So, I am extremely happy and got another item checked off my bucket list! woohoo, shake the poms! *\O/* I have some more pictures I will get posted when I get some time. I am working on some major projects right now… so got to get back to work…
Oh, and I met some cool people too. An up and coming artist, Major Myjah who is recording in Jamie Fox’s studio. and Bonnie and Kat, who we talked to for a while about pain and the POPF.
What an experience!
Blessings, Barby