Home Blog I Believe in Legal Immigration to the USA

I Believe in Legal Immigration to the USA

by BarbyIngle
Barby for Arizona

I was born in Bangkok, Thailand to my military American parents. They raised me to understand the importance of immigration to the United States and that there is a process and order to coming to the USA correctly. Without borders, we are not a country. The United States of America has a rich history of immigration, with millions of individuals seeking the American dream and a better life every year. We started as a Nation of immigrants, fought for our soverence from England and invited people from all over the world to join the USA to make America great. As an advocate for legal immigration, I firmly believe that this process is essential for the continued growth and development of our nation. Legal immigration not only brings diverse perspectives and cultures but also contributes to our economic prosperity and societal progress.

Ensuring National Security and Respect for the Rule of Law

First and foremost, legal immigration ensures that individuals enter the United States through a standardized process, respecting the rule of law. By going through the proper channels, immigrants are thoroughly screened, allowing authorities to assess their backgrounds, skills, and intentions. This rigorous screening process guarantees the national security of the country, making it crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of both American citizens and immigrants themselves. This process can take years and for some, decades. I have family members going through the process currently, helping me understand even more the complexity and time it takes even compared to the 1970’s and 80’s.

Economic Benefits and Job Creation

Furthermore, legal immigration brings immense economic benefits to the United States. Immigrants contribute to various industries and sectors, filling gaps in the labor market and bolstering economic growth. My brother in law is a business owner and contributor to society here in America. He like many others properly immigrating bring specialized skills, educational qualifications, and entrepreneurial spirit, leading to job creation, innovation, and increased productivity. Legal immigrants have a positive impact on the economy, starting businesses, and playing a vital role in key sectors such as technology, healthcare, and scientific research.

Enriching the Cultural Fabric of the Nation

Legal immigration also enriches the cultural fabric of our nation. America is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and traditions, and every wave of immigrants has added to this diverse tapestry. The contributions of immigrants to the arts, music, cuisine, and literature have helped shape American culture and society, making it more vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive.


In conclusion, legal immigration is integral to the United States, both historically and in the present day. It ensures that individuals enter the country through a standardized and secure process, contributing to national security. Moreover, legal immigration brings economic benefits, fosters cultural diversity, and enriches our society. By embracing legal immigration while addressing the need for comprehensive immigration reform, we can continue to uphold America’s values as a land of opportunity and a beacon of hope for those seeking a better future. If you come to the USA illegally, you should expect to be deported with additional penalties such as a wait period before you can apply to come back. What is happening with our borders and illegal immigration must stopped, handled and penalties assessed.

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