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Healthcare Leader Talks

by BarbyIngle

I participate in many healthcare leader chats and some of the topics would be of interest to the readers of my blog. This is one of them. The topic here was food. Being that I am interested in microbiome and gut health this chat was of particular interest to me. T1 What has been your go-to-comfort foods during this pandemic?

T1 What has been your go-to-comfort foods during this pandemic?

T1 Comfort food during the pandemic? I have had trouble eating w Valley Fever, then the steroids’ made me super hungry & then gastroparesis & intestinal ischemia came back after 5 yrs, Everything is limited again. 1 food that is my comfort “@MicheleRhee pizza” -Rosati’s

T2 How does food affect your mental and physical health? Did you learn this on your own or through someone/something else?

T2 Having issues with eating is a mental and physical challenge for me. We humans need it to survive, but it can also be comfort or torture as the same time. I love to go to an event with good food, but then cant always eat it, & worry about allergies & cross contamination

T3 Where do you turn for trusted food+health advice? Doctor? Nutritionist? Internet sources?

T3 I did a @MyViome microbiome gut health test at the advice of @NicoleArbour. I have also gone grocery shopping w a nutritionist to ‘learn’ to shop. Now if I could only cook. I also get less pressure from others to ‘try this’ as I can cite my viome results & ed them

T4 How might we address food insecurity in a more sustainable way?

T4  I believe that we can address food insecurity in a more sustainable way with early nutrition education and gut health tests. Understanding that it is an individual need and what is good for 1 person is not necessarily for the next.


Hope, xo Barby

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