This NERVEmber is underway and we have spent 10 months preparing to bring you new tasks, prizes, and nerve pain conditions. When I created NERVEmber back in 2009 it was a tool to represent Nerve Pain Awareness Month, RSD, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, and Diabetes Awareness Month (November) by the International Pain Foundation. The word NERVEmberâ˘. These awareness activities all started as back in 2007 by the International Pain Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity. As the Neuropathy community and nerve pain awareness movement grew, the awareness activities increased and grew into Nerve Pain Awareness Month or now commonly referred to in the pain community â NERVEmber.
NERVEmber⢠brings awareness to the 150 plus conditions that have nerve pain as a symptom.The International Pain Foundation host the OFFICIAL NERVEmber project events each year. Since its inception, tens of thousands of nerve pain patients and organizations have signed on to help promote NERVEmber. During the month of November, many people throughout the world come together for the nerve pain community. Events are held. Articles are written. Facebook statuses are updated. Instagram photos are posted. Videos are created and spread online. Proclamations are issued. It is important to remember, that these are all important things that can happen throughout the entire year, not just in November.
I look forward to seeing all of you participate in the daily tasks and activities all month long! Use hashtags #NERVEmber and #GoOrange and see all of the listed activities here also look forward to you all following my social media where I will be completing the tasks and will be watching for your posts showing how you are participating. I look forward to the 5th season of The Ken and Barby Show starting on Nov. 5th as well, we will be broadcasting live from Facebook on my the Barby Ingle Official Page and keeping you entertained all of Nov. and Dec, Saturday Mornings at 1pm EST.