Barby’s Bucket List Update… This is ongoing and ever changing as I grow and make accomplishments. I think it is important to have life goals and things that we can look forward to doing. I dont know what order these will happen but I am constantly working on accomplishing them in conjunction with my life purpose to be a Cheerleader of HOPE and a Dancer for LIFE. Follow along with me to see which ones I get to do next…
- Dance 6-eight counts with Paula Abdul choreographed by both of us together
- Get my own car
- Get one my favorite groups (schroeder) to play at a celebration of mine or iPain
- Get iPain on the TV show like Apprentice as a charity a celebrity plays for to raise awareness and funds
- Go down one of the world’s longest zip lines
- Judge at a beauty pageant (possibly be in one for married women)
- Meet all three Kardashian girls (and tell them about iPain), especially Khloe’
- Take a ride on a fighter jet
- Meet Mark Cuban (tell him about iPain, and get his advise to go to the next level with it)
- Move to a house closer into phoenix area or in Los Angeles.
- Publish 2 more books for a total of 10, by the age of 50 (already have RSD in Me, ReMission Possible, The Pain Code, The Pain Code Journal, Real Love, Wisdom of Ingle, Aunt Barby’s Invisible Endless Owie, and i’m Possible)
- Renew my wedding vows in the Caribbean
- Ride in a hot air balloon
- Run International Pain Foundation with my husband full time
- See every circ du soleil show in Las Vegas
- Star in a National Commercial