2012 was a great year for me as a health advocate. I was featured nationally in Women’s Day Magazine, My first for Women Magazine, USA Today’s Chronic Pain Supplemental this past September, Dr. Drew’s Life Changers show, and the Newlywed Game Show. I was also given the honor of being the recipient of the Neuropathy Action Foundation’s 2012 “You Are Our Hero” Award, and participated through the Power of Pain Foundation as a volunteer in 73 events throughout the country in the past 12 months. One of my most fun events this year was the POPF’s Nervember campaign, where each day of November I got to send out a task for people to complete to help raise awareness and better personally advocacy for chronic pain patients. Most of all I am grateful for the friendships and connections I have made with thousands of patients throughout the world via social media, videos, phone calls and emails. Knowing I was able to give back to others in meaningful ways has been a great blessing!
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