Home Blog CureClick Ambassador’s Best Share Practices for Social Media

CureClick Ambassador’s Best Share Practices for Social Media

by BarbyIngle

BI-Logo-copyCureClick Ambassador’s Best Share Practices for Social Media
By Barby Ingle, Advisory Board Member, CureClick
President, Power of Pain Foundation
March 21, 2015

I have been using social media and blogging since 2009 and realized that there are some posts that go viral or are liked, shared, followed, etc… more than others. When I became a CureClick Ambassador I wanted to be sure to have mindful posts and be able to share on all of my social media accounts. I use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and my personal blog. Below are a few tips I have learned throughout the years of being a chronic pain advocate to raise social awareness, including new tools that I learned once I began posting the CureClick Research Trial information.

First I found, as ambassadors we need our posts to be based on trust, engaging and important to our built in community so that they will want to share it even further. Second, CureClick offers great samples of proper posts for each type of forum. Take advantage of their premade ideas, at the same time, add a personal touch when possible. Each time I post to a social media account, I tailor my posts to the forum I am posting to. For instance, on Twitter, we can only post 140 character posts whereas my blog posts can be much longer. I also work to post a different message each time I post it on social media. For example if I used text from the premade selections, I choose a different idea for the next post. Third, knowing that posts don’t stay in news feeds long I try to be smart on the posting by adding something that will catch the reader’s attention like a picture or video reference. If they miss it in the newsfeed, I want my page to be engaging so that they keep returning for new information. Fourth, use the hashtags provided and an others that you think may engage your members/followers specifically. Fifth, include your specific link for that trial so that you get the credit for clicks and completions. Finally, I reformat the post for the platform being used. For example on Facebook I take out extra space so that the post can be read with the main headline, my personal link, additional trial info, hashtags, and then my connection to CureClick. On Twitter, I include the main title, my link, and important hashtags and attach the pic. I also will make a more generic post when there is not any new trials that includes 5-6 of the trials with just the title and link to read more.

Here are a few general do’s and don’ts when it comes to posting your CureClick Trial Information:CureClick Blog


  1. Ask yourself, “is this something I would like to see?” If it is not something you would want to see in your newsfeed, then avoid posting it.
  2. Being positive promotes engagement and encourages sharing.
  3. Carefully plan your posts and try to think of the value you are adding by posting any and all content. The best content is going to connect at an emotionally, educational, and/or social level.
  4. Chose posts that can be backed up if questioned, and use references when needed.
  5. Post with pictures or video. People are way more likely to respond, like, click a link, etc. when there is a graphic, picture or video in the post.
  6. Share and talking about content published by other support groups, media, bloggers that is informative and/or motivational.
  7. Show support for your cause. Let the passion you have shine by creating content that fits your brand. Aim for 90% informational and 10% (or less) promotions.
  8. When posting informational posts, have 1-2 reference you can refer the person back to. In case someone asks you more info, you can say, refer to x and y for greater understanding.

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  1. Do not use medical articles over 5 years old as a source of scientific information. Unless you have it as a backup source to a newer article/study.
  2. Don’t be negative sourpuss, it may cost you followers. People are quick to unlike a page if posts are negative or controversial.
  3. Don’t ignore supportive/useful comments. Building relationships is one of the most important parts of social media marketing success, so acknowledge comments that are useful/supportive.
  4. Don’t limit the content to promotional updates.
  5. Don’t Post and Run – Follow up on your posts to answer questions or comments for at least two days after posting, so it doesn’t look like you post and run. You wouldn’t ignore someone in true need who reaches out to you in person so don’t ignore them online.
  6. Don’t spam hashtags, it shows you in a disrespectful and distasteful light.
  7. Don’t be too pushy or forward; you want to make a good impression.CureClick Blog 2
  8. Post no more than 5 posts a day with a goal of 8-10 a week, so you are not overwhelming your followers but providing enough content to keep them engaged.

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